
Ticketing and Time Tracking Software for IT Companies

Keep clients in the loop, starting with email integration features that allow them to send support requests directly to your account. You can then assign these requests as tasks and efficiently manage them to completion. Follow up with detailed billing reports that outline the hours and money spent on each support request.

Delegate, Manage, and Track Support Requests

Intervals’ task management features are designed to streamline the handling of support requests, inspired by traditional ticketing systems. Integrated work queue fields allow clients to email support requests directly, enabling easy delegation to your team. Our intuitive system for assigning and tracking client work makes Intervals an ideal choice for IT service teams.

Accountability to Clients and Team Members

Keep everyone informed with detailed task histories and email notifications. Intervals maintains a comprehensive audit trail by recording every comment and update on each task. By integrating time tracking with tasks, Intervals generates detailed reports, giving you and your clients clear visibility into how time is spent.

Prioritize Support Requests

Effective handling of support requests requires organization and time management. Intervals’ ticketing tools help you prioritize tasks using customizable attributes such as priority, status, and category. Sort and filter your task list to concentrate on today’s priorities while easily identifying what work can wait until tomorrow.

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