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Intervals Roadmap and Release Notes [Sticky]

Intervals Roadmap

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    • Michael
    • Sep 17th 2008 edited @ 02/28/2024 2:52 pm
    Please view the official and current Intervals Roadmap on our help site.

    Since Intervals is typically updated every four to six weeks it would be a bit involved to list everything in the works, but our goal is to communicate openly about some of the bigger items we have under development that should be completed in the near future. If you ever have any specific questions about the status of a feature request please feel free to shoot an email to

    Q1 2014:
    • Home page - events that span the calendar (multi day notes)
    • Mobile experience overhauled
    • Home page - ability to show tasks span the calendar based on their start and end date
    • Speed and Infrastructure Improvements

    Thanks again for all of the great suggestions on how to make Intervals the best time, task and project management service for small business.
    • Michael
    • Nov 7th 2008 edited @ 10/26/2010 4:28 pm
    • Michael
    • Dec 20th 2008 edited @ 05/05/2010 9:19 am
    December 2008
    • Milestone Management
    • Home page overhaul with weekly and monthly calendar
    • Public and private home page notes via right click
    • Home page filters that can be saved
    • Added ability to drag and drop milestones, tasks, and notes from home page
    • Michael
    • Apr 14th 2009 edited @ 04/13/2015 10:52 am
    Q1 2009:
    • Michael
    • Jul 13th 2009 edited @ 05/05/2010 9:15 am
    Q2 2009:
    • Bulk update tasks from the task listing
    • Start, stop, and apply timers from the task hover view
    • Select all / none from drop down menus
    • Layer in client field to more locations (timesheets, invoice generation, doc upload)
    • Performance optimizations - additional caching
    • Michael
    • Jul 22nd 2009 edited @ 04/13/2015 7:10 am
    Q3 2009 Updates:
    • Michael
    • Oct 28th 2009 edited @ 05/05/2010 9:14 am
    Q4 2009 Updates:
    • Michael
    • Dec 15th 2009 edited @ 05/05/2010 9:11 am
    Additional Q4 2009 Updates
    • Infrastructure improvements for additional document storage for each plan
    • Document storage doubled and tripled for all plans
    • Further theme integration (daily emails, email this page, etc.)
    • Home page iCal
    • Michael
    • May 5th 2010 edited @ 08/13/2010 3:19 pm
    March and April 2010 Updates:
    • Infrastructure Improvements
    • Full API
    • Client Import from CSV
    • Add contacts to Clients and add login access w/granular controls (change executive user level)
    • Ability to create a custom visual theme via CSS
    • Right click context menus for the project listing, client listing, people listing, and invoices
    • Tasks added to reports as a view by option
    • Chinese locale support (4 locales)
    • Footer dock with quick access to timers and searches (task, milestone, project note, client, projects, people, and invoices)
    • Michael
    • Jun 30th 2010 edited @ 06/30/2010 6:48 pm
    June 2010:
    • Beta version of handheld friendly experience
    • Additional data imports (people)
    • Additional caching and performance optimizations
    • Additional vCard imports
    • Improved hover view when mousing over tasks
    • Speed improvements for invoices based on actual work performed
    • Manage timesheets speed improvements and ability to exclude inactive users
    • Home page milestone improvements including link to project details
    • Milestone column added to widescreen task view
    • Michael
    • Aug 13th 2010 edited @ 08/13/2010 3:17 pm
    August 2010:
    • Time - ability to copy time entries
    • Milestones - widescreen view for milestones
    • Tasks - added ability to delete multiple tasks at once via the "with selected" functionality
    • Documents - ability to delete multiple documents at once
    • Documents - upload multiple documents at one time on tasks, projects and the documents tab
    • Calendar - home page modification to view custom date range
    • Clients and People - client import includes the ability to import people and clients at the same time
    • Settings & Defaults - support for subdomains that start in numbers (for example
    October 2010:
    • Add tasks and milestones to Periscope Report - Quasi Gantt Chart - currently in beta
    • Attach documents directly to a milestone
    • Widescreen view option for projects and clients (similar to current task list)
    • Task Follower - ability to add a user as a task as a follower to receive email alerts that is not the owner or assignee
    • Milestones - additional graphs added directly to milestones (see who is assigned the most work, current snapshot, current status, etc.)
    • Timer Notifications - alert user of running timers
    • People - ability to restrict an administrator from settings & defaults and plan info
    November 2010:
    • Data Imports - additional data imports for tasks, projects and milestones
    • Tasks - multiple owners
    • Time - add multiple time entries at once
    • Projects - ability to add a new client when adding a new project
    January / February 2011:
    • Improved visual formatting for PDF exports
    • Enhanced timesheet right click functionality - right click on top of timesheet to add time for a certain date and/or pre-fill the client, project and date for quicker manual time entry
    • Navigation enhancement to show sub navigation in mouse over states to help get to deeper levels more quickly with less clicks
    • Allow multiple project managers per project
    • Import Time
    • Multiple project managers per project
    • Save relative days on saved reports (instead of absolute dates)
    • Save customized filters for milestones, projects, clients, timesheets, and invoices
    • Paid marker added to paid invoices when exported to PDF
    May 2011 Updates
    • Advanced text editor added for project notes
    • Add new default work types and modules to existing projects
    • Multiple owners for milestones
    • Add time directly to home page calendar
    • Request queue filters and saved filters
    • New "Project updates" email notification
    • Export PDFs in portrait or landscape
    • Indonesia (Indonesia) locale
    • Visually improved HTML emails for notifications
    June 2011 Updates
    August 2011:
    • Email Integration for task comments & milestone comments (beta)
    • Email Hopper- directly email the request queue (beta)
    • API - ability to create people
    • Add ability to delete data imports
    • Additional imports for expenses, payments & invoices
    • Michael
    • Nov 30th 2011 edited @ 01/19/2012 2:50 pm
    Q4 2011
    • Michael
    • Jan 19th 2012 edited @ 04/20/2012 1:56 pm
    • Michael
    • Feb 24th 2012 edited @ 04/20/2012 1:56 pm
    February 2012:
    • Hopper & Request Queue - ability to have the project auto selected on new requests
    • Hopper & Request Queue - ability to save filters and search requests
    • Reporting - improved visual graphs
    • QuickBooks IIF export includes support for sub items
    • Michael
    • Apr 20th 2012 edited @ 04/20/2012 1:57 pm
    April 2012:
    • Basecamp™ data import in beta
    • Invoicing - add ability to select tasks by task status when creating invoices based on actual work performed
    • Server infrastructure improvement
    • Michael
    • Jul 13th 2012 edited @ 02/13/2014 10:29 am
    July 2012:
    • Daily email digest to view all daily activity for projects
    • Allow per person time zone settings (instead of per account)
    • Improved task filtration for mobile experience
    • Basecamp™ import out of beta
    • Time tracking, Invoicing and Settings & Defaults videos updated
    • Michael
    • Aug 25th 2012 edited @ 02/13/2014 10:29 am
    August 2012:
    • Project Feed - a view of all time, tasks, documents, milestones, invoices and time for a project
    • SSL added to Limited Free & Basic Plan
    • Home page calendar design improvements
    • Updated support videos
    • Basecamp™ Classic import improvements
    • Milestones - enhanced ability to get at desired tasks when creating or editing a milestone
    • New Mini plan
    October 2012:
    • Invoicing - add the ability to invoice by person
    • Time - missing timesheet report (to show who has not entered any time for a given week)
    • Reporting - improvements to project activity report to include detailed descriptions that were included when time was added
    • Reporting - new expenses report
    • Projects - add filtration options to the project feed
    • Projects - RSS subscription for the project feed
    • Michael
    • Nov 8th 2012 edited @ 11/08/2012 5:10 pm
    November 2012:
    • People - streamline creating people & contacts
    • RSS - added to home page calendar
    • Reporting - performance optimizations for large data sets
    • Time - add configurable round to Settings & Defaults
    • Tasks - add date range search to see when a task was closed
    • Invoicing - add ability to change the order of line items on free form invoices
    • Michael
    • Feb 7th 2013 edited @ 02/07/2013 3:26 pm
    February 2013:
    • iCalendar subscription for Google Calendar, Outlook and Apple iCal
    • Header redesign to quickly create tasks, project, clients, invoices, etc.
    • Header alerts pane redesigned
    • Improved Calendar Navigation
    • Michael
    • Apr 25th 2013 edited @ 04/25/2013 5:20 pm
    April 2013:
    • Footer timers redesigned
    • Activity feed added to each person in the people section
    • Background improvements for upcoming releases (home calendar & performance optimizations)
    • Redesigned date selector
    July 2013:
    • Advanced editor upgraded to the latest version
    • Graphing engine updated
    • Collision detection for milestones to prevent overwriting
    • iCal subscription pushed out to six months
    • Ability to add project notes directly from the search page
    September 2013:
    • Home page refactoring for upcoming features
    • New help videos
    • Bug fixes
    • Performance and infrastructure improvements
    • Michael
    • Dec 23rd 2013 edited @ 07/19/2018 11:35 am
    December 2013:
    • Speed and performance improvements
    • Infrastructure improvements
    • Misc. Bug fixes
    • New support videos
    • Taxes separated out as own column on Project Landscape report
    • iPad bug fixes
    • Calendar refactoring for upcoming features

    This forum has been discontinued.
    The official Intervals roadmap is available here.
    December 2013:
    • Speed and performance improvements
    • Infrastructure improvements
    • Misc. Bug fixes
    • New support videos
    • Taxes separated out as own column on Project Landscape report
    • iPad bug fixes
    • Calendar refactoring for upcoming features

    This forum has been discontinued.
    The official Intervals roadmap is available here.
    • Michael
    • Jul 19th 2018 edited @ 06/14/2024 1:42 pm
    December 2013:
    • Speed and performance improvements
    • Infrastructure improvements
    • Misc. Bug fixes
    • New support videos
    • Taxes separated out as own column on Project Landscape report
    • iPad bug fixes
    • Calendar refactoring for upcoming features

    ## Update ##
    The forum has been replaced with the official Intervals help site. It includes help articles and documentation.
    The Intervals roadmap is available on the help site as well.

Comments are closed.
For more Intervals help documentation, please visit