Tag Archives: solar

Electronic Crafts and The Portable Power Cart


If you like to tinker — as most of us web developers like to do — check out this collection of electronic craft projects. Our favorite is the Power Cart; a combination of solar power and crank power assembled into a box on strapped onto a dolly. The idea is to provide a portable power […]

Patagonia and Google go Solar


Patagonia: Patagonia decided to take the plunge and added 360 panels to its parking lot. It’s expected to produce about 12% of their needs at the Great Pacific Ironworks building. 12% isn’t much, but when you consider Patagonia already buys 50% of its power from wind energy… it is a remarkable difference. Good job guys. […]

Solar Web Hosting?


A few months back we switched our www.myintervals.com hosting company. We considered going with a solar company but ended up not due to the lack of reputation. Our major concern was dependability for you guys using our services. I guess you can say that uptime trumped the environment… sadly. But we are not opposed to […]

Affordable Solar Dream


We have a responsibility as a company and in our personal life to do what we can to assist, conserve where we can environmentally. This is less waste, cleaner energy and a simple way of living. One way we have been exploring this at Pelago is reduce or slow our energy consumption. At the moment […]