Affordable Solar Dream

Jennifer Payne | February 21st, 2007 | ,

We have a responsibility as a company and in our personal life to do what we can to assist, conserve where we can environmentally. This is less waste, cleaner energy and a simple way of living. One way we have been exploring this at Pelago is reduce or slow our energy consumption. At the moment we spend roughly $500 dollars a month on electric. Granted we do have dozens of computer, servers, AC units and energy using gadgets sucking away daily… but we are a tight crew in a naturally bright and not extravagant office space. So I have to wonder what larger more energy sucking business spends monthly.

One thing that we are exploring at our office is placing solar panels on the flat roof of our Santa Barbara loft. On researching solutions I came across this article in Wired on a new company called Citizenrē Corporation. The company is a start up promising “Solar for free” and “No initial investment needed. Just monthly payments for power.” They will install units on your house then sell you back the energy all while helping create cleaner renewable energy.

I say it’s about time someone came up with a lower entry point for average people to participate at this level. However, is this company the right company to provide the service? They are making headlines, they have the financial backing, but they also have an interesting and rumored multi-level marketing pitch (some say).

If this isn’t the right fit or the right business model for the market, I will say it definitley opens doors for thought and conversation in the industry. Can a company be profitable, successful, sustain over the years and provide cheaper entry for the masses to participate? Oh yeah and also make an impact on the environment.


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