Recent API Improvements

Michael Payne | January 26th, 2022 |

The project management API is one of Intervals’ most used features. Many of our customers have used the API to automate their task management workflows and to create custom time tracking reports. We’ve recently launched some API improvements based on customer feedback.

Query current API usage with the quota endpoint

We’ve added a new quota endpoint that will report back your current API usage. The quota endpoint is ideal for anyone creating an API integration that consumes a high volume of queries. We recommend regularly referencing the usage quota data, especially as you build out your initial integration and are still working on optimizations.

The endpoint will report back the number of daily queries already consumed, the maximum amount of queries allocated to your plan, and the date of the next reset.

Quote endpoint API documentation

Hourly rate and work type added to time endpoint

We had a high volume of customer requests asking for more context when querying the time endpoint. Historically, one would have to make multiple API requests to get the work type and billable amount of time entries. We’ve simplified this use case by consolidating more data on the time endpoint.

Queries to the time endpoint will now include the hourly rate and work type for each time entry returned. This makes it much faster and easier to calculate the billable and unbillable amounts for time entries. And, the inclusion of the work type simplifies customer report building.

Time endpoint API documentation

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Michael Payne

Michael is a co-founder and product architect at Pelago. His contributions stem from experiences managing the development process behind web sites and web-based applications such as Intervals. Michael drives a 1990 Volkswagen Carat with a rebuilt 2.4 liter engine from GoWesty.
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