Tag Archives: web design

Web Design and Development Business Tips:
3 Ways to Regulate Your Revenue


As any freelancer and web design and development agency owner is well aware, regulating revenue is a difficult task. Ebbs and flows of revenue have lead to the expression “feast or famine,” the roller coaster phenomenon that occurs without any seasonality or predictability. During the many years we designed web sites and developed web-based software, […]

Looking Back on Old School Web Design & Development Methods


The Web, as we know it today, has advanced a considerable amount from it’s original incarnation. HTML hasn’t changed as much as the web browser, and web designer and developers have advocated and implemented higher standards in their work. From CSS improvements to better use of semantic HTML, the Web has (mostly) become a better […]

Four Ways Web Design and Development Agencies Can Give Back


Web design and development agencies are typically small businesses where the creative and engineering types flourish in a loosely structured company culture. The few formalities us web designers and developers must comply with usually revolve around deadlines, workflow, meetings, and clients. Overall, it’s not a bad gig, it’s the type of environment where web designers […]

Revisiting Web Design Decisions Behind the Intervals Mobile App


The Intervals Mobile UI launched 7 months ago. In that time we’ve been collecting feedback from our customers and using it quite a bit ourselves. We’ve also been busy architecting the next few features, which will include more client, project and milestone management. When we originally launched the mobile UI, we wrote about what it […]