Tag Archives: task management

Two Minute Introduction to Intervals


This two minute introduction to Intervals focuses on time tracking, task management, and comprehensive reporting. Watch the video to find out how better project management tools can help your business. Two Minute Intro Running time: 2:01

How to Know When a Project is Managing You


Managing web design and development projects is standard practice at any creative agency. However, even the best project manager will encounter a project that gets away from them. When projects get out of control, they take on a life of their own and start managing you. There are any number of reasons a project may become […]

Managing a To Do List as a Single Task


I recently wrote on tasks being more than just to dos. Creating a single task for each to do can be cumbersome. But what about the inverse scenario? I’ve found it quite helpful to break down a task into multiple to dos, stepping stones required to complete the task and close it out. And often […]

Can Projects be Managed using Online Task Management Software Alone?


Task management software provides a great foundation for managing projects, and many creative agencies may find it to be all they need to successfully deliver projects on time and under budget. In my experience, however, online task management software is more effective when coupled with project management features. Managing a project successfully using only tasks […]