Tag Archives: creative agencies

Why workflow management and time tracking belong together


In the 13-plus years since we first launched Intervals, I’ve had countless conversations with customers in which I’ve both taught and learned how our software can best benefit their creative agencies. These last few years I’ve noticed a recurring theme in how these agencies approach workflow management. Many creative agencies are breaking down their workflow […]

Time Tracking Tips for Creative Agencies


Managing a creative agency should be both fun and challenging. Tracking time, however, is neither of those. It’s boring and tedious. Creative teams don’t to fill out time sheets. They want to focus on producing their best work, the type of work they can proudly display on the wall. In addition to creative pursuits, agencies also […]

Why Your Creative Agency Should Focus on its Core Strengths


Fourteen years ago my best friends and I started a creative agency we dubbed Pelago. We started out as many do, trying to get whatever work we could by offering a wide array of creative services. We were a full service agency, right from the start. We had computers, ambition, and a decent amount of […]

How to Know When a Project is Managing You


Managing web design and development projects is standard practice at any creative agency. However, even the best project manager will encounter a project that gets away from them. When projects get out of control, they take on a life of their own and start managing you. There are any number of reasons a project may become […]

How Web Design and Creative Agencies Can Productize their Services


In my personal experience working with web design, web development, and creative agencies, and in conversations I’ve had with other freelancers, designers, developers and creatives, there is always one business pain point that stands out. Cash flow. Revenue can be seasonal. We’re either out meeting with potential clients to drum up sales, or we’re swamped […]

How to use online project management software at a creative agency


Researching online project management software for your creative agency can become overwhelming rather quickly. There are so many options available for task tracking software and online project manager programs. Although they may all seem generally similar, there are enough distinctions between them that finding the right fit may take some time. Before starting the search, […]