Tag Archives: ajax

What is Project Management 2.0?


There is so much discussion about Web 2.0, Software-as-a-Service, and Social Networks, that it must leave people wondering… What exactly is Project Management 2.0? The term is subject to wide interpretation, but here is how we’ve defined project management 2.0, and how Intervals fits into this definition. Asynchronous User InterfaceTranslation: Fewer page loads and a […]

Charles Web Debugging Proxy


We recently were debugging issues with our document uploader in Intervals and needed to throttle the bandwidth on our desktops so we could test the progress meter over our LAN (Typically, the LAN is too fast and the progress meter never appears). We settled on using the Charles Web Debugging Proxy, which did a fine […]

Document Storage is officially live


Intervals now features full document support, including upload, transfer and version tracking capabilities. The new functionality enables users to work with virtually any file type, retain full version histories, link documents to specific projects and tasks, search for files within projects or universally, and share files with other team members regardless of geographical location or […]

Time tracking improvements and more


We’re excited to announce that our improved time entry experience is going live this evening! What’s new? No more pop-up windows Smoother and more intuitive user experience Enhanced performance Other updates include: Fixed bug where task filter would forget saved settings Enhanced task and project note search functionality – now more powerful than ever More […]

AJAXified Emails


When sending email from within Intervals (email this page, update a task, email a report, etc.) it will pre-fill the email address if it recognizes what you are typing. It’s a minor change, but it definitely helps with efficiency because you don’t have to go lookup the person’s email address…you just need to know a little […]

Intervals Updates


Pelago has recently upgraded Intervals with several new features, making Intervals faster and easier to use. What’s new? Ajax functionality for adding / editing / deleting the default site settings. Ajax functionality for adding / editing / deleting time entries on timesheets and tasks. Ajax functionality for adding / editing / deleting project notes. Ajax […]

Scratchpad is live


Today we launched the scratchpad.  We found that folks have various ways of quickly taking notes.  For example, if a client calls I quickly fire up Textpad and take notes.  One of my co-workers does the same thing by creating a new email message and saving it as a draft.  Since everyone has a quick way […]