Blogworthy #4


Another linkalicious sampling from us Pelagonians: Tour de Dog: David Sylvester and Chiva New Wearable Feedbags Let Americans Eat More, Move Less The Price is Wrong How to restart Windows via Remote Desktop Ordering a pizza, unix style Behold the 3G iPhone, Liveblogged Amazon Flexible Payments Service Change is afoot at 37Signals It’s time to […]

So, you’ve built a web-based app… now what?


In this era of the lightweight framework, fresh-launched hosted services are popping up every other day. In the small business spectrum are countless variants of time tracking, task tackling, project managing online apps aimed at increasing our productivity. It is exciting to see so many ideas being executed in this vast and wide open market. […]

Blogworthy #3


Round 3 of linkular goodness for your friday grazing: Linux in cars Santa Barbara’s rat/cat/dog guy SF Big Wheel Races Windows Mobile to grow by at least 50 percent worldwide Like Office Space, but different Free WiFi for all? Klingon Debugger

Our One Percent for the Planet Contribution


As members of One Percent for the Planet we have the privilege of donating 1% of our sales to environmental causes. Our contribution is a small way for us to validate our commitment to lessening our impact on our surroundings. What makes this nonprofit endeavor even more relevant is they gave us a list of […]

I Madonnari 2008


Pelago and its employees have been participating in Santa Barbara’s I Madonnari Street Painting Festival for the last ten years as artists and sponsors. Here are some pictures from this year’s drawing, based on a vintage cycling poster from the early 1900s. Thanks to Dale Weber for the photos. Click each photo to view larger.

Spending Time Wisely


Before embarking on any type of research journey through the web of time management methodologies, we need to define exactly what it is we are trying to manage. What is our time and what does it mean to us? If we skip this step and try to bolt the methodology-of-the-year onto our muddled lists of […]

Comparing Intervals to other Web-based Project Management Services


In the realm of web-based services, there are a lot of options being thrown at consumers. Mixed in with all this noise are buzzy catchphrases like “Getting Things Done,” “Web 2.0,” “Social Networking,” and “Project Management.” It can be overwhelming for anyone looking for the right fit for their small business. There are several good […]

Intervals for Legal Professionals


We originally built Intervals for buinesses like Pelago — web development shops, design firms, IT companies, and other creatives who bill hourly for their services. And we continue to develop Intervals for these markets because we have an intimate understanding of them. The beauty of web-based services, especially one like Intervals that handles time tracking […]