Create Multiple Tasks at Once


Intervals now offers users the ability to create multiple tasks at once for projects and milestones. Project managers and others will find this feature useful when the need arises to quickly create several homogeneous tasks. When starting a new project it is often the case that a project manager will need to add several new […]

Improved Email Request Queue


In an effort to help our customers break the habit of managing projects through their inbox, we have added the ability for requests in the email queue to be appended to existing tasks. This enhancement will make it far easier to manage client requests. For example, a client may have a detailed project update accompanied […]

Invoice Alerts


As we continue to evolve Intervals as a holistic project management application we are maintaining our commitment to helping small businesses get paid faster. To ease what can often be a tiresome process, we’ve added invoice alerts. The intent of this feature is to keep the project manager in the loop and to keep Intervals […]

Client Overview on Hover


After receiving nothing but positive feedback on our hover views for projects and tasks, we have added the same views to clients. When hovering your mouse over a client’s name — anywhere it is displayed in Intervals — a simplified overview containing important information will appear. This simple overview also provides links for quickly accessing […]

Thumbnail Previews for Image Uploads


Graphic designers and especially web designers and developers sling around a lot of images during the creative process. And project managers will often find themselves juggling a lot of image files and distributing them to the relevant projects and tasks. Giving uploaded images distinguishable filenames and titles can become a cumbersome mental exercise. All uploaded […]

Export Data in XML Format


In addition to CSV, we’ve now added the ability for our customers to export their Intervals data as XML. Not only is XML useful for downloading your data in a common, easy-to-parse format, it will give customers a head start on developing applications that utilize the Intervals API. Use the downloaded XML data to prime […]

Administrator Access to Timers


We’ve all been there. We start a timer on a Friday afternoon and some time before 5pm arrives our mind wanders off to ahead of us. By the time we catch up with ourself we realize we forgot to stop a timer and there isn’t a computer or a WiFi signal for miles. Intervals administrators […]

The Neverending Project


Project delays are one of the most common pitfalls that can keep even the best project managers, web designers and web developers from launching a web site online. Delays can come in all shapes and sizes but they have one thing in common. They can run any project into the ground and keep designers and […]