Author Archives: Michael Payne

Getting decisions into action as soon as possible


All 30 day trials of Intervals come with one hour of free training included. We have learned a lot during these trainings and questions regularly come up about how we use Intervals to manage our work at Pelago. For example, are there any process tips that might be helpful in addition to how to use […]

End of Year Intervals Improvements Launched


Today we launched 43 improvements and enhancements to Intervals. Many of them were small improvements and tweaks that were immediately noticed by some. Thank you for the feature requests and dialogue about how to improve Intervals. Here are a few of the more noteworthy improvements: 1. Executive User Comments on Tasks Before hitting the panic […]

Modification to Invoices based on actual work performed


With Invoicing in Intervals there are two ways to create an invoice: Freeform Actual work performed We recently improved the formatting when creating an invoice based on “actual work performed”.   When the calendar is selected days that have billable time for the project being invoiced will turn green: This improvement is meant to help make […]

Video Help is officially live


We are excited to announce the unveiling of video support within Intervals.  We have had this on our implementation plan for quite some time and it is officially live.  In the Help section of Intervals all 11 lessons are available for viewing whenever it is convenient to do so. Screenshot of the Help Section: The […]