Recurring Task Improvements

Michael Payne | September 16th, 2022 |

Since our initial launch of recurring tasks we’ve been receiving great feedback from our customers. In addition to sharing how they’ve been using recurring tasks, customers have also shared some ideas on how we can improve the feature. We’ve been listening and have implemented three of the most common requests. Here’s a brief overview of what we’ve added.

Pause a recurring schedule

Some recurring tasks may need to be put on hold temporarily. For example, you may want to pause a daily recurring task  assigned to you while on vacation. This can be done by finding the profile task for the recurring task in question, navigating to the “Recurrence” tab, and clicking on “Pause recurrence.”
Learn more about pausing a recurring task schedule

Biannual (every six months) scheduling

To have a task that occurs every six months, find the profile task and click on the recurrence tab, then select monthly. On the monthly scheduling dialogue there is an option to have the task repeat every six months.
Learn more about biannual tasks

Biweekly (every two weeks) scheduling

To have a task that occurs every two weeks, find the profile task and click on the recurrence tab, then select weekly. On the weekly scheduling dialogue there is an option to have the task repeat every two weeks.
Learn more about biweekly tasks

Visit our help site for more information on recurring tasks.

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Michael Payne

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