New Feature: Dark Mode

Michael Payne | June 22nd, 2022

Intervals has been helping teams track their time and manage their work since 2006 and customer feedback has always been a central component of shaping the feature set. We built Intervals as an internal tool for managing web development projects, but our customer base is very diverse and continues to become more and more diverse. This wide adoption across a lot of different industries is exciting, but it makes it challenging from a product management perspective.

If we add a feature that one vertical really wants, but others don’t, are we adding too much complexity? Do we add a setting to manage it? Do we offer different versions of our software for different industries? Do we hold off on development until we get more feedback, and the pain point is crystal clear? These are the questions that we wrestle with daily, except for when a feature comes along that everyone asks for.

In a respite from lamenting if our customer base will adopt a feature, along comes dark mode. This is one of the most requested and quickly adopted Intervals features released. No debate necessary. The feedback and statistics paint the picture.

Enabling Dark Mode

Dark mode can be enabled by navigating to your account and editing the login section.

Dark Mode Settings

Dark Mode Interface

In dark mode Intervals will look like this.

Intervals Dark Mode Interface

Mobile App Interface

The mobile app interface will follow this setting as well. If you want the Intervals Mobile App to turn into dark mode when your phone changes based on the time of day, use the “Use device theme” setting.

iPhone Dark Mode

Are we in front of our screens a lot these days? How quickly this feature is being adopted points at a resounding yes. We hope this helps the eyes squint a little less.

More information about configuring and using dark mode is available here on the official Intervals help site.

If you have any feedback or questions, please contact us and let us know. Thanks again to our customers for all of the feedback around dark mode. It really helped prioritize this feature.

One Response to “New Feature: Dark Mode”

  1. Alex says:

    We already love your software and this update makes it so much better. Thank you Intervals Team!!

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