Intervals API Advanced Configuration

The Intervals API allows you to pass advanced configuration options with each request through HTTP headers. Passing these options through the headers allows you to define how you want the system to handle your data while keeping passed parameters separate from your passed data.

You're already familiar with two conventional HTTP headers that instruct the API how to handle data.

  • The Accept header tells the API which response format you prefer (either application/xml or application/json).
  • The Content-type header tells the API which data format to expect from you on PUT and POST requests (either application/xml or application/json).

But you can also use the following custom headers within the API. Their behavior is described below.


By default, the API does not send out email notifications when actions are performed. This is so that application developers can define their own notification schemes and control the branding and messaging of what users are exposed to. You can re-enable email notifications by passing this header. An example of this is the addition of a project note. Inside the application, the project manager receives an email notification if he has that notification enabled.

To use, pass a boolean in the form of 't' or 'f'.

POST /projectnote/ HTTP/1.0
Accept: application/xml
Content-type: application/xml
Authorization: Basic TVlBUElUT0tFTjpY
X-Intervals-Send-Notifications: t


By default, the API will add notes to certain resources (namely tasks and milestones) when elements of it change, the same way the application works. You can disable action notes by passing this header.

To use, pass a boolean in the form of 't' or 'f'.

POST /projectnote/ HTTP/1.0
Accept: application/xml
Content-type: application/xml
Authorization: Basic TVlBUElUT0tFTjpY
X-Intervals-Disable-Action-Notes: t

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