Tag Archives: Social Responsibility

Calculate your impact on the environment


Two links contained in Are you a carbon bigfoot? I sure am, sad to say by Harry Fuller of Webware are a pretty eye opening exercise.  Think you are doing all you can to limit your impact?  Try these two out and see how you fair: Earthlab – what’s your live impact? Yahoo Green – […]

Staples launches computer recycling program


http://business.bostonherald.com/businessNews/view.bg?articleid=1002238 Starting Monday, desktop and laptop computers and monitors of any make will also be accepted at Staples’ customer service desks during store hours, but for a $10 fee for each large item. It is about time that someone did this.  It is a hassle to use local recycling due to the time they are open and […]

Honest self examination


Treehugger.com has a useful section on How to Green Your Work. What’s the Big Deal? A greener workplace can mean a lighter ecological footprint, a healthier and more productive place to work, and good news for the bottom line. Whether you’re the boss or the employee, whether your office is green already or still waiting […]

Patagonia and Google go Solar


Patagonia: Patagonia decided to take the plunge and added 360 panels to its parking lot. It’s expected to produce about 12% of their needs at the Great Pacific Ironworks building. 12% isn’t much, but when you consider Patagonia already buys 50% of its power from wind energy… it is a remarkable difference. Good job guys. […]

Learning more about going “green”


As an individual in a small company, I have to admit that I have lived a life of conflict for many years. While one of my greatest passions is taking my family to the Sierras to enjoy the wilderness and creation, my other pattern is to work through paper products without any care or concern […]

Solar Web Hosting?


A few months back we switched our www.myintervals.com hosting company. We considered going with a solar company but ended up not due to the lack of reputation. Our major concern was dependability for you guys using our services. I guess you can say that uptime trumped the environment… sadly. But we are not opposed to […]

Affordable Solar Dream


We have a responsibility as a company and in our personal life to do what we can to assist, conserve where we can environmentally. This is less waste, cleaner energy and a simple way of living. One way we have been exploring this at Pelago is reduce or slow our energy consumption. At the moment […]