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Clientid Null in json/xml response

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    Hello, I'm having a big trouble with api response.
    I have done, with app engine, a client to use timesheet: tested the app with a free account it works, but when i try to use it with business account, no.
    When I ask to myintervals the json corrisponding to my person, this is the response:

    "2010-09-24 15:21:37",
    "clientid":null, <-- no ids here!

    Clientid is null!! How is possible? I got a lot of client associated to my person...Is this a bug?

    this is the response in my test enviroment with free account
    "2010-09-24 17:31:38",
    "clientid":51116, <---now we got id!

    Token, header, and url to make request is right, because in test enviroment it works, so I need an help :(

    I hope you understand me, my english is very bad!

    The fact that you are getting a valid response tells me that your token, header and url are correct. In addition, I've run an api test and was able to get the clientid in the response. So we'll have to take a closer look at your data to troubleshoot and resolve the issue. Could you please login to your Intervals account and click on the Bug Submission link? This will provide us with the information about your account that we need to help resolve this issue.

    Ok, i have just submitted this issue in that form. I need to do something else?

    I hope you will help me because this project is for my thesis :)


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