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Feature Requests

Reports - Weekly summary of tasks.

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    • pspeth
    • Jun 18th 2010 edited @ 06/18/2010 3:22 pm

    I would like to set the interval to 1 or 2 months and get a breakdown of time spent based on each task per week.
    With a summary of hours that week.
    For example:
    Tasks - Week of 4/1 ----------------------- Time (hrs)
    14: Admin and Maintenance ------------------ 5
    17: Newsletter Support ----------------------- 4
    19: Site Analysis ------------------------------ 9

    ------------------------------------------------- 18

    The closest current functionality is the weekly trends report. If "by task" is selected in the view by options each task is listed per week in the visual output. If there are a lot tasks the time chunk for each week will probably be hard to see but the totals will be at the bottom of the report. Please give it a look. It might do the trick.

    Found what I needed.
    Break it down -- By Task -- Weekly View -- View by Time Period

    View by Time Period was the secret sauce I was missing.

    I'm Happy

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