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How do I quickly run a report for the life of a single project?

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    • Michael
    • Nov 4th 2008 edited @ 11/04/2008 2:19 pm

    The long way to run a report for the life of a single project:

    1. Click on Reports
    2. Select the type of report
    3. Blank out the start and end dates (this is like saying "all" dates)
    4. Choose the project
    5. Click Filter

    A much quicker way to do the same thing:

    1. Click on Projects
    2. Find the project you would like to run the report for and click on the dashboard icon (Dashboard Icon)
    3. Scroll to the bottom of the dashboard and click on the report name to run the report

    Here is a screen shot:
    Project Dashboard
    If you need to run several different reports for the same project this can be much quicker.

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