
Project Estimates — Accurately Predict Project Outcomes

Estimating projects is hard. Intervals makes it easy to create accurate estimates and deliver projects under budget.

Build budget focused estimates

Intervals breaks down your budget into buckets of estimated hours based on project requirements and client expectations. This high level approach to estimating creates a baseline that can be used to keep the project budget on track from day one.

Stay on top of project budgets in real time

Generate reports to compare actual hours against the original estimate in real time. Intervals makes it easy to keep an eye on where your time is going as the project progresses, so you can make fast, informed decisions to keep budget on track.

Leverage past data to create better estimates

Each completed project results in a wealth of data that is indispensable for estimating future work. Detailed reports put historical project performance at your fingertips, empowering you to create more accurate estimates with each new project.

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