Thank You for Your Extended Support of the Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition

John Reeve | September 25th, 2015

From the day we launched Intervals nine years ago, 1% of every customer’s monthly payment is donated directly to environmental nonprofit organizations. It’s our way of giving back and preserving resources for generations to come.

Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition

Through our partnership with 1% for the Planet we’ve been fortunate to aid several organizations working to protect the environment. This year we decided to renew our relationship with The Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition, an advocacy and resource organization that works to make bicycling safe and accessible for all. Here are a few things they do:

  • Bilingual workshops for youth and adults to learn about bicycle maintenance and street safety.
  • Free bike lights for low-income cyclists caught in the dark after daylight savings ends in November.
  • Advocating for more bike paths to connect the communities of Santa Barbara County.
  • CycleMAYnia, a month long celebration reaching out to thousands of cyclists and community members.
  • BiciCentro, a DIY bicycle repair shop staffed with knowledgeable volunteers, including restored used bikes for sale.

We want to say “thank you” to our customers for your continued support of Intervals, and the organizations we support. If you ever find yourself in Santa Barbara, we encourage you to stop in at BiciCentro and say hi to the crew and see firsthand what they are all about.

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John Reeve
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John Reeve

John is a co-founder, web designer and developer at Pelago. His blog posts are inspired by everyday encounters with designers, developers, creatives and small businesses in general. John is an avid reader and road cyclist.
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Jennifer Payne

Jennifer is the Director of Quality and Efficiency at Pelago. Her blog posts are based largely on her experience working with teams to improve harmony and productivity. Jennifer is a cat person.
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Michael Payne
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Michael Payne

Michael is a co-founder and product architect at Pelago. His contributions stem from experiences managing the development process behind web sites and web-based applications such as Intervals. Michael drives a 1990 Volkswagen Carat with a rebuilt 2.4 liter engine from GoWesty.
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